West Java Bandrek Drinking Recipe : Flixabay
West Java Bandrek Drinking Recipe : Flixabay

West Java Bandrek Drinking Recipe : Flixabay

A recipe for western java drinks, it must be tried

Indonesia is indeed    very rich in various cuisines and drinks,  one of which is  a typical Western Javanese   recipe  for a drink whose taste is unquestionable. The West Java region is not only known for       its beautiful natural   landscape,  but  also the various  culinary arts in this city  are very famous throughout the archipelago. One  of them is a plethora of typical drinks  such as bajigur, bandrek and icegoyobod.

A visit to the West Java region is not complete unless you try a culinary tour.   Sundanese cuisine is already very popular and there is no doubt about its enjoyment. However, not only is the food delicious,  a plethora  of Western Asian drinks are also very much a must-try.

The West Java region is known as the plateau so it has a fairly high temperature.   No wonder body warming drinks are very popular here.   Some of them are like bajigur and bandrek. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t  find fresh drinks if you visit this region.   During the day, it is best to enjoy fresh iced goyobod.

Nowadays, finding vendors of typical Western Javanese drinks such as bajigur and bandrek is actually not difficult. However,  instead of buying it,  you can also make your own Western Java drink recipe at  home.  What they are and how to make them see in the following reviews:

West Java Bandrek Drinking Recipe

Bandrek is traditionally a Western Javanese drink made from decoding palm sugar and ginger.   This drink has a sweet taste and a warm feeling of added ginger. As a supplement to the usual bandrek is served with the addition of scraping young coconut meat. To be the recipe and the way is as follows:


  1. Đumbir 80 gram
  2. Chen’s 4 grains
  3. Granulirani šećer 2 tbsp
  4. Brown sugar 75 grams
  5. Cimet 6 cm
  6. Pandan leaves 2 pieces
  7. Vazduh 500 ml
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Young coconut meat

How to make this West Java drink recipe:

  1. Bring the water to a boil, then put the toasted ginger and press
  2. Add brown sugar and stir until dissolved
  3. Put cloves, panda leaves, cinnamon, granulated sugar  and salt
  4. Wait for it to boil and emit a scented aroma
  5. Turn off the stove and strain
  6. Serve bandrek in a glass with the addition of young coconut meat. You can also add  sweetened condensed milk.

Western Java Bajigur Drink Recipe

In addition to bandics, bajigur is also a typical Western Javanese drink  that is known for being able to warm the body.   At first glance, Bajigur and bandrek have the same appearance. However, the recipe for  this Western Javanese drink is actually different.   To make bajigur,  the ingredients and recipe are as follows :


  1. Coconut milk 1.5 liters (one coconut grain)
  2. Mlevena kafa 1/2 tbsp
  3. Brown sugar 150 grams
  4. Granulated sugar 100 grams
  5. Đumbir 200 gram
  6. Pandan leaves 3 pieces
  7. Cimet 2 cm
  8. So 1/2 tsp
  9. Kolang-kaling

How to make a recipe  for a typical Western Javadrink Bajigur:

  1. Simmer coconut milk and brown sugar until dissolved
  2. Put toasted and pressed ginger
  3. Add granulated sugar, cinnamon, pandan leaves, ground  coffee  and salt
  4. Wait until it boils while stirring constantly so that the coconut milk does not spoil
  5. If it boils, turn off the stove and strain
  6. Serve bajigur in a glass or bowl with the addition  of kolang kaling slices to make it tastier.

West Java Goyobod Ice Drink Recipe

Although known for having cold and  sometimes even cold weather, the city of West Java also has a legendary ice cream recipe. One of them is goyobod ice which is already very popular, especially for Sundanese.   This drink is a traditional ice that comes from the Garut region  of West  Java.   For this recipe for the Western Javanese drink, the ingredients are very easy as follows:


  1. Hungkwe flour  60 grams
  2. Vazduh 350 ml

Complementary materials  :

  1. Red syrup
  2. Cassava tape  100 grams
  3. Avocados 1 apiece
  4. Gusto coconut milk
  5. Black voracious rice strip
  6. Kolang kaling
  7. Young coconut
  8. Sweetened condensed milk
  9. Es batu

How to make a recipe  for a typical Western Javanese drink with delicious  goyobod ice :

  1. Make the syrup first by boiling water and brown  sugar until it boils and   thickens and add red color to taste.   Allocated
  2. Mix the hunkwe flour with water, then stir until evenly distributed. Heat the mixture from the dough until it is cooked and thickened
  3. Forming goyobod dough into a baking dish and let it rest until it cools completely and hardens
  4. Cut into small pieces of dough that have cooled and place in a bowl along with the other complementary ingredients.
  5. Add ice  cubes and let water with red syrup and condensed milk
  6. You can enjoy the fresh goyobod ice typical of Western Java.

West Java Oyen Ice Drink Recipe

Oyen  ice  is a typical western Javanese ice c ampur that does not doubt its taste.   At first glance,  oyen ice is no  different from mixed ice from other regions, but there is an addition of sweet corn that makes the taste even tastier.   This recipe for a drink from West Javanese is also not complicated so you can make it yourself at home.   The ingredients used to make oyen ice are as follows:

Ojen ingredients for  ice  :

  1. Avocadorie ripens one fruit
  2. Ripe jackfruit to taste
  3. Young coconut
  4. Kolang-kaling
  5. Chinese boy
  6. Sweet corn
  7. Syrup
  8. Sweetened condensed milk
  9. Es batu

How to make a recipe for this typical Western Javanese drink es oyen:

  1. Prepare the bowl and arrange   all the fillings in a bowl
  2. Add ice cubes to taste, then let go of the water with condensed milk and red syrup
  3. Fresh and tempting oyen ice ready  to serve

This ice filling can actually be  adapted to any taste. However, there are ingredients  that  are characteristic of this mixed  ice  are Chinese henna and sweet  corn. So if you want to  make your own ice oyster at home, make sure that the two materials will not be replaced.   This is so that you can enjoy the taste of the original West Java.   For red syrup, you can make it yourself or buy ready-made ones.

The talk of Western Javanese cuisine  will never end .  In addition to Sundan food that is undoubtedly delicious ,  you have to try  various Western Javanese drinks . However,  if you don’t want to buy it,  you can also try making   your own West Java drink recipe at home because it’s simple and definitely delicious.

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